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2022-11-28由 陪你看興塵 發表于 時尚


新手問答~超聲炮做完多久有 效 果?超聲炮做完馬上見 效 嗎?超聲炮做完馬上呈現 效 果嗎?▲

超聲炮的 效 果是逐步呈現的,通常剛做完只有10-20%成 效 。剛做完半島超聲炮之後,面板會瞬間變得緊實,透過高能量的高頻電波傳到在面板真皮層之後,可以很好的促進原生膠原蛋白的收縮 效 應,從而達到即刻性改善膚質的 效 果。

新手問答~超聲炮做完多久有 效 果?超聲炮做完馬上見 效 嗎?超聲炮做完馬上呈現 效 果嗎?▲

The ultrasound gun needs to strictly cooperate with the postoperative special nutrition ACME- -TEA cells to activate energy proteins, with the aim of activating new and younger cells。 The postoperative failure of new cell generation is avoided, and the postoperative effect is not obvious。超聲炮後需要嚴格配合 術  後專 用營 養ACME—TEA細 胞激 活能量蛋白,目的是激 活新的更年輕的細 胞。避免 術 後新細 胞生成失敗, 術  後 效  果不明顯。

新手問答~超聲炮做完多久有 效 果?超聲炮做完馬上見 效 嗎?超聲炮做完馬上呈現 效 果嗎?



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● 超聲炮做完以後 效 果●

▶ ★▶★ ▶超聲炮美容的原理_是先破後立的過程,先透過超聲炮破壞原有的老化細 胞再重新建立、更新細 胞的過程。年齡超過35歲或者是面板基礎較差的人群,新細 胞再生的能力差即便是透支能量進行新的膠原纖維和彈性纖維的重組,也不一定能完成更年輕更飽滿細 胞的更新。▶ ★▶★ ▶The principle of ultrasonic gun beauty _ is the process of breaking first, first through the ultrasonic gun to destroy the original aging cells and then re-establish and update the cells。 People over 35 or have a poor skin foundation can not unsuccessfully regenerate new cells。 Combining new collagen and elastic fibers may not necessarily update younger and fuller cells。


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● 超聲炮 效  果要經歷的階段:●


1、超 聲炮的 效 果是持續攀升的,一般 術 後兩週以後見 效 ,如果 術  後護理好,營 養跟得上, 效 果可以持續攀升6-12個月。


2、超 聲炮後出現副作用的人群,一部分是因為遇見了假的儀 器或者醫 生操作不當,另外一部分是因為自身康復不足,營 養缺乏,超聲炮手 術 破壞了老化的細 胞以後,新生細 胞因為能量不足生長失敗,所以會導致面部塌陷面部萎縮。


3、 術  後專 用營 養ACME—TEA【超 刀美盾】是保證超聲炮後新細 胞質量好壞的關鍵。隨著年齡的增長,我們細 胞代謝和更新的速度會越來越慢,細 胞的質量也會根據年齡越來越老化,所以更新的細 胞也會日漸衰老。透過專 用的營 養為新生細 胞提供健康的充足的能量,是 術  後成 效 的關鍵。Postoperative special nutrition ACME- -TEA [super knife beauty shield] is the key to ensure the quality of new cells after the ultrasonic gun。 As we get older, our cells will metabolize and update more slowly and more, and the quality of our cells will get more and more aging according to our age, so the newer cells will get older。 Providing healthy and sufficient energy to newborn cells through dedicated nutrients is the key to postoperative effectiveness。


4、做超 聲炮要保證設 備是正 版的、醫 生是專  業的。


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●  超聲炮刀頭和炮頭的區別 ●

# #  刀頭:—— 中下面部和雙下頜,要特別避開嘴角耳前重要神經分佈區,鼻唇溝,口角囊袋,上面部都不能做;

# #  炮頭:—— 全面部都可以做,4。5的炮頭除了不能做上面部、鼻唇溝、口角囊袋的位置外,其它2。0和3。0的炮頭,全面部基本都可以做。# # knife head: —— in the lower part and double jaw, to especially avoid the mouth before the ear important nerve distribution area, nasolabial groove, mouth bag, upper face can not be done; # # gun head: —— full head can be done, 4。5 gun head can not do on the face, nasolabial groove, mouth pocket bag position, other 2。0 and 3。0 gun head, full head can basically be done。

# #  2。0MM主要作用是淡紋:—— 可以直達真皮層,刺激膠原持續再生,淡化深層皺紋。

# #  3。0MM主要作用是緊 致:—— 可以直達皮下淺筋膜層,緊緻面板,改善輪廓曲線。

# #  4。5MM主要作用是提拉:——可 以直達SMAS筋膜層,提拉肌底而達到緊緻提升。


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● 超聲炮足量發數才可達到 效 果 ●

▶ ★▶★ ▶超聲炮將能量聚焦到皮下組織,能量充足才能達到 效  果。面診過程中,求美貝比可以要求醫 師告知自己:會用哪些探頭~~打哪些層次~~總共要打多少發數~~做超 聲炮以全臉的專案為例——超 聲炮兩個刀頭總共的發數約為600—800發,一個炮頭打6000—12000發;如果全臉用三個炮頭,總共的發數在21000—33000發之間。專案的總髮數大幅低於此範圍, 效  果大機率會不理想。▶ ★▶★ ▶The ultrasonic gun focuses the energy on the subcutaneous tissue, with sufficient energy to achieve the effect。 In the process of face diagnosis, Qiumei Beibi can ask the doctor to tell himself: which probe will use ~~ what level ~~ —— ultrasonic gun two head total of about 600-800 rounds, a head of 6000-12000 rounds; if the full face with three heads, the total number of hair between 21000-33000 rounds。 The total number of the project is much lower than this range, the probability of the effect will not be ideal。


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●  超聲炮有沒有副作用? ●



1、醫 生操作合規。


2、超聲泡的儀 器正 版。


3、按 療 程口 服超 聲炮 術  後專 用營 養ACME—TEA。

▶ ★▶★ ▶超聲泡不僅對面部提升 效  果明顯,同時對面部皮脂較厚的可以起到瘦臉作用。基本上沒有風險,安 全係數也很高。¥¥1。 Doctor operation compliance。 ¥¥2, ultrasonic bubble instrument genuine。 ¥¥3。 Special nutrition ACME- -TEA。 Ultrasound bubble not only has obvious effect on facial improvement, but also plays a role on thicker facial sebum。 There is basically no risk, and the safety factor is also very high。


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● 哪些人可以做超聲炮?●

▶ ★▶★ ▶Skin aging, flabby, sagging people jaw relaxation, there are double chin, canthus sagging, eyebrow tail sagging and other people。 Skin wrinkles of the people such as the face with crow‘s feet, forehead lines, nasolabial groove, neck lines, abdominal stretch marks and thighs have fat lines and other wrinkles of the people。 Loose skin, bloated people face skin loose, abdomen, arms proud, buttocks loose, postpartum and after weight loss abdominal relaxation, out of shape people。肌膚老化、鬆弛、下垂的人群下顎鬆弛,有雙下巴、眼角下垂、眉尾下垂等人群。

▶ ★▶★ ▶肌膚出現皺紋的人群如臉部有魚尾紋、額頭紋、鼻唇溝、頸紋,腹部有妊辰紋和大腿有肥胖紋等多種皺紋的人群。



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● 半島超聲炮有2種手柄,配備3種深度理 療 頭?●

▶ ★▶★ ▶經典超聲手柄:目前有4。5mm和3。0mm兩個深度,操作是延續了經典超聲刀線性的輸出方式,能量輸出方面應用超脈衝技 術 ,在舒適度和能量輸出的速度上有明顯提高。

▶ ★▶★ ▶超聲炮手柄:現有4。5mm、3。0mm、2。0mm三個深度,採用了大焦域技 術 ,滑動累積加熱的方式彌補了定點操作時的禁區,在舒適度及深度上,帶來了新突破。

# #  2。0mm直達真 皮層,刺激膠原持續再生,淡化深層紋。

# #  3。0mm直達皮下淺脂肪層,緊緻面板並有選擇性地減少脂肪細 胞,改善輪廓曲線。

# #  4。5mm直達SMAS筋膜層,提拉肌底而達到緊緻提升的 效 果# # 2。0mm goes directly to the dermis to stimulate the continuous regeneration of collagen and dilute the deep lines。 # # 3。0mm reaches the superficial subcutaneous fat layer, tens the skin and selectively reduces adipocytes, and improves the contour curve。 # # 4。5mm directly to the SMAS fascia layer, lift the muscle base to achieve a tight lifting effect


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有人會問:超產炮本身就是激發膠原蛋白新生的理 療 過程,為什麼還要補充能量呢?

▶ ★▶★ ▶首先超聲炮可以激發刺激皮下啟動膠原蛋白新生,其原理是先破後立!先透過儀 器是放熱能,破壞原有的老化的、萎縮的、失去彈性的細 胞組織,而後透過自身生存更新細 胞。但是新生細 胞的數量和質量完全取決於我們自身細 胞的恢復能力和修復能力。

其二,選擇超聲炮理 療 的人群普遍都是面板失去彈性,失去膠原纖維、失去彈性纖維,導致面板鬆弛的人群。說明我們自身的基礎能量已經缺失,雖然細 胞可以更新,但是更新的細 胞仍然缺乏彈性纖維和膠原纖維的能量。


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▶ ★▶★ ▶所以在做超聲泡理 療 的同時需要口 服專  用營 養ACME—TEA。來為新的細 胞提供能量,兩者結合才能有內到外的,讓新生細 胞年輕化,讓我們的面板更加有活力和煥然一新。這也是做超 聲炮以後,有的人 效  果非常明顯有的人做完沒有 效  果的最根本的原因。Therefore, the oral special nutrition ACME- -TEA is needed while doing ultrasound bubble therapy。 To provide energy for new cells, the combination of the two can be inside out, make new cells younger, make our skin more vibrant and new。 This is also the ultrasonic gun, some people effect is very obvious some people do not effect the most fundamental reason。▶ ★▶★ ▶(

新手問答~超聲炮做完多久有 效 果?超聲炮做完馬上見 效 嗎?超聲炮做完馬上呈現 效 果嗎?

