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2021-12-16由 每天學點兒 發表于 體育



A girl decided to study judo( /ˈdʒuːdoʊ/ 柔道) despite the fact that she had lost her left arm in a car accident. The girl began lessons with an old Japanese judo instructor. The girl was doing well. But she couldn't understand why, after three months of training, the instructor had taught her only one move.

一個女孩在一次車禍中失去了左臂,但她還是決定學習柔道。 她開始跟著一位上了年紀的日本柔道教練上課。女孩學得不錯,可就是不明白為什麼訓練了三個月,教練就只教了她一招。

“Instructor,” the girl finally said, “shouldn't I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you'll ever need to know,” the instructor replied. Not quite understanding, but believing in her teacher, the girl kept training.

“教練,”女孩終於還是問出來了,“您不多教我幾招嗎?” “你是隻學了一招,可你也只需要學這一招。”教練回答。 她沒太聽明白,但是對教練的話深信不疑,於是繼續訓練。

Several months later, the instructor took the girl to her first tournament. Surprising herself, the girl easily won her first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, her opponent became impatient and charged(緊張).



The girl deftly( /ˈdeftli/ 熟練的) used her one move to win the match. Still amazed by her success, the girl was now in the finals. This time, her opponent was bigger, stronger and more experienced.


For a while, the girl appeared to be overmatched(被打敗). Concerned that the girl might get hurt, the referee(/ˌrefəˈriː/ 裁判) called a time-out(暫停). She was about to stop the match when the instructor intervened(介入). “No,” the instructor insisted. “Let her continue.”

比了一會兒,女孩眼看就要輸了。裁判員擔心她受傷,就叫了暫停。她正想放棄比賽,這時教練出面了。 “不,”教練堅持說,“讓她繼續比。”


Soon after the match resumed, her opponent made a critical mistake: she dropped her guard. Instantly, the girl used her move to pin her opponent. The girl had won the match and the tournament. She was the champion.


On the way home, the girl and her teacher reviewed every move in each and every match。 Then the girl

summoned the courage(鼓起勇氣)

to ask what was really on her mind。 “Instructor, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

回去的路上,女孩和老師回顧了每場比賽的每一個動作,她鼓起勇氣問出了一直盤旋在腦中的問題: “教練,我怎麼會用這一招贏下整個錦標賽呢?”

“You won for two reasons,” the teacher answered. “First, you've almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense for that move is your opponent to grab your left arm.”




