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2021-12-16由 東北妹狂吐槽 發表于 體育

喜歡就是喜歡,哪裡來的欲擒故縱、剋制和隱忍 ,我巴不得一日三餐吃了什麼都告訴他,路上遇見小貓舔爪子也要拍給他看。慢慢來這一套就是學不會。

Like is like, wherever you want to be in control, restraint and forbearance, I can‘t help telling him what I have eaten in three meals a day, and when I meet a kitten licking his paw on the road, I have to show him。 Take this slowly and you will not learn。



If there are important people, seize the opportunity to have a good time together, eat slowly, and love slowly。 Even if you meet with the same person many times, it will not be the same every time, so you must hold the mood that you will only meet once in your life。



Shopping alone, eating alone, traveling alone, do a lot of things。 Although a person’s life is lonely, but more often he is happy because of loneliness。 The ultimate happiness exists in the lonely deep sea。 In this day-to-day life, I gradually reached a settlement with myself。



The people on the street who distribute flyers and pull you to start selling, go out of the airport and chase people who ask you “Do you want to take a taxi?” The most annoying thing is not to disturb you, but to force you into an impolite。 People。 I really do n’t have the energy to say “Thank you for not using it” every time。



If there is an afterlife, make a tree and stand in eternity without sorrow and joy。 Half is peaceful in the soil, half is flying in the wind, half is in the shade, half is in the sun, very silent and very proud, never relying on and never looking。



One day, I suddenly found that I had nothing to love。 This is the time to waste time。 As soon as autumn arrives, migratory birds fly south, and once they leave, they will always be on the way, and only fallen leaves can receive your shadow。



I have been studying for so many years, staying so many nights, doing so many exercises, under various pressures, taking various cruel exams, falling in love, breaking up, working, and working overtime。 I worked so hard to become an ordinary person。
