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漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

2022-05-15由 外語教師聯盟 發表于 女人

Winter is coming, and temperatures are about to drop sharply in most cities in China。 Many people have put on their heavy winter clothes to resist the cold, including qiuku, also called long underwear or long johns in English。



Long underwear (also called long johns or thermal underwear), is a style of two-piece underwear with long legs and long sleeves that is normally worn during cold weather。 It is commonly worn by people under their clothes in cold countries。


沒錯,秋褲對應的英文就是 long underwear 或 long johns 。

漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

long underwear我們好理解,那麼又為什麼叫做long johns ?

一些詞源學家(etymologist)認為,秋褲之所以被稱為long johns,和19世紀末期美國家喻戶曉的拳擊手約翰·L·沙利文(John L。 Sullivan)有很大關係。

The history of long johns is a funny one。 A big man named John L。 Sullivan, a boxer in Boston Massachusetts, bragged that he could lick anyone at anytime。 Modesty may not have been Big John‘s forte, as John became known not only for his hard-hitting, bare-knuckled style or fighting, but also for the mark he left upon the world of fashion。


Unlike other fighters of his time, John entered the ring wearing only long underwear, otherwise known as

the Union suit

。 The term “long johns” lives on, a tribute to a truly colorful character in American history。



,或者叫連衫褲。後來,“long johns”(秋褲)一詞就流傳下來了,這是對美國曆史上一位性格多彩人物的讚揚。

漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

Hundreds of years ago in England, the fashion trend of long underwear began。 In the Tudor Dynasty of the 16th century, King Henry VIII liked to wear tight wool breeches with pointed shoes, becoming a fashion icon。 Noble people tried to follow the trend。



In 1915, Canadian Frank Stanfield formally applied for a patent on long underwear。 After that, long underwear became popular consumer goods for ordinary people。




漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

Long underwear was introduced to China in the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)。


According to the solar terms in the north, people usually wear long Johns after the start of Autumn and before Cold Dew。


Twelve years ago, Su Mang, chief editor of Bazaar magazine, claimed long underwear compromised fashion。 “I never allow people around me to wear long underwear,” Su said on a talk show。




As a result, those who cannot bear the cold and bow their heads to long underwear always feel that they are at the bottom of the fashion food chain。 Young people in China believe only grandmothers wear long underwear and refuse to wear it, no matter how cold it is。




漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

In recent years, the discussion about whether to wear long underwear or not has been raging。 People have their own reasons and want to convince others。


But people appear to be realizing the importance of long underwear, as it can keep you warm and free of illness。 Many fashion icons, like actress Jing Tian and singer Li Jian, wear it。 Many styles of long underwear, like leggings, are good-looking and useful for keeping warm。





漲知識|為什麼“秋褲”的英文是long johns?你知道它的來源嗎?

