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2022-12-03由 陪你看興塵 發表于 時尚



▶▶▶美容超聲刀探頭有3種探頭,針對於面板不同的層次~~1。5mm通常達到真皮淺中層~~3。0mm可達到真 皮深層、皮下組織層~,4。5mm一般可作用層次為表淺的肌腱膜系統。在3個探頭選擇時,不同治 療 層次可達到不同的緊緻、提升作用,通常應根據你面板的鬆弛情況進行具體選擇。治 療 頭的選擇並非越多越好,應根據根據你面板的鬆弛或衰老程度選擇多數選擇2個深度即可得到較好的改善 效 果。▶▶▶Beauty ultrasound knife probe has 3 kinds of probes, for different levels of the skin, ~~1。5mm usually reach the superficial dermis ~~3。0mm can reach the deep dermis, subcutaneous tissue layer ~, 4。5mm can generally act for the superficial teneurosystem。 When selecting 3 probes, different treatment levels can achieve different tightening, promotion effect, and usually it should be specifically selected according to the relaxation situation of your skin。 The choice of treatment head is not the better, should choose according to your skin relaxation or aging degree most choose 2 depth can get better improvement effect。▶▶▶(



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▶▶▶做完超聲刀後有的人會臉腫,這種現象不會持續很久,一、二天後就會緩解,做完超聲刀後晚上睡覺臉部儘量太高,可以減輕水腫,此外配套超聲刀專 用營 養ACMETE A【 超刀美盾 】會有快速修復,提升超聲刀 效 果。After finishing the ultrasound knife, some people will face swelling, this phenomenon will not last long, one or two days will be relieved, after finishing the ultrasound knife, sleep at night face as high as possible, can reduce edema, in addition, supporting ultrasound knife special nutrition ACMETE A [super knife beauty shield] will have rapid repair, improve the effect of ultrasonic knife。▶ ▶ ▶(





▶ ▶ ▶美容超聲刀的功 效 和作用?▶ ▶ ▶

★★★  超聲刀確實可以提升面板緊度,尤其在改 善鼻唇溝、提升蘋果肌,令下頜輪廓線清晰緊》致方面。利用超聲熱 能聚焦的原理透過點陣的集束熱傳遞方式,在繞開了表皮的前提下,探 頭髮出每秒震動600——-1200萬次的矩陣分子能 量波,直接作用在筋膜細 胞間,使皮下溫產生高頻摩擦,熱度提升到60——75℃左右,產生熱損 傷 筋膜細 胞作用,同時大量口 服專 。用營 養ACMETE A啟動俢復 再生細 胞及俢 復筋膜的功能,起到更好的提拉、除 皺和緊膚的 效 果。Ultrasonic knife can indeed improve skin tightness, especially in improving the nasolabial groove, improving the apple muscle, and making the jaw contour clear and tight。 Using the principle of ultrasonic heat energy focusing through the lattice beam heat transfer, on the premise of bypassing the epidermis, the probe issued 600- - - - - - - -12 million times per second matrix molecular energy wave, direct action between fascia cells, make subcutaneous temperature produce high frequency friction, heat to about 60 —— 75℃, produce heat damage to fascia cells, while a large number of oral special。 Use nutrient ACMETE A to regenerate the thin, cellular and compound membranes to better lift, remove wrinkles and tighten the skin。


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★★★  正。版ACME TEA 術   後專  用營能激 活膠原纖維、彈性纖維和透明質酸的活體生成,除了面板美白專  利:專  利號ZL201810603225。4和面板保溼專  利:專  利號ZL201810568899。5,還有專 門針對於 拉皮手。 術  過程當中俢復損 傷 細 胞同時為新細 胞提供生長能量的三項專  利:

2、面板緊急俢復膠原三肽專  利:專  利號 ZL 2018 1 0869989。 8

面板密集俢複用彈性蛋白專  利,專  利號ZL201811020273。7

面板俢複用膠原蛋白專  利:專  利號ZL 2018 11019575。2



▶ ▶ ▶超聲刀美容誤區▶ ▶ ▶

★★★  超聲刀做完以後 效 果一定會好嗎?超聲刀美容的原理是先破後立的過程,先透過超聲刀破壞原有的老化細 胞再重新建立、更新新細 胞的過程。Will the effect certainly be good after the ultrasonic knife is done? The principle of ultrasonic knife beauty is the process of breaking first, destroying the process of aging cells and then re-establishing and renewing new cells。

超聲刀 效 果要經歷三個階段:

一、超聲刀手。 術  要保證設 備是正。版的醫 生是專 業的,

★★★  二、 術  後專 用營 養【超刀美盾】ACMETE A細 胞激 活能量蛋白是保證超聲刀 術  後新細 胞質量好壞的關鍵。隨著年齡的增長,我們細 胞代謝和更新的速度會越來越慢,細 胞的質量也會根據年齡越來越老化,所以更新的細 胞也會日漸衰老。透過專 用的營 養為新生細 胞提供健康的充足的能量,是 術  後 效 果的關鍵。


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★★★  三、超聲刀的 效 果是持續攀升的,一般 術  後兩週以後見 效 ,如果 術  後護理的好,營 養跟得上, 效 果可以持續攀升6-12個月,最終的 效 果可以保持3年左右。

★★★  四、超聲刀 術  後出現副作用或者沒有 效 果,一部分是因為遇見了假的儀 器或者醫 生操作不當,另外一部分是因為自身康復能能力不足,營 養缺乏,超聲刀手 術  破壞了老化的細 胞以後,新生細 胞因為能量不足生長失敗,所以會導致面部塌陷面部萎縮。Ultrasonic knife postoperative side effect or no effect, partly because met the false instrument or doctor improper operation, another part because of their rehabilitation ability, lack of nutrition, ultrasonic knife surgery destroyed the aging cells, new cells because of insufficient energy growth failure, so can lead to facial collapse facial atrophy。



▶ ▶ ▶超聲刀後遺症?超聲刀面部燒 傷 ?超聲刀面部瘢痕?▶ ▶ ▶

★★★  只有能量和功 效 極其不穩定的山寨仿版超聲刀才會灼 傷 面部、發生面部瘢痕、 術  後起泡、面部硬塊、可能造成區域性面板的疤痕或者凹陷……

★  正。版的超 聲刀基本上沒有太多副作用,在治。 療 不久完畢後,治。 療 地區的肌膚很有可能會輕度泛紅,但數小時後就會自主消退。輕度腫脹、癢或比較敏感觸碰也是一切正常狀況,但都僅僅短暫性的。

★★★  超 聲刀 術  。後最需要注意的是新細 胞生長的質量,我們做超聲刀最終的目的是讓面部年輕化而不是單純的更新細 胞,正。版的超 聲刀 術  。後有配套專 。用超 聲刀 術   後營 養ACMETE A,是專 門針對於是專 門針對於超聲刀手。 術  的特徵設計的一款細 胞能量,包括30多項俢復專 。利。


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★★★  【超刀美盾】超 聲刀專  用營 養,側重於三個過程:1、俢復手。 術  過程的面板損 傷 ,2、激。活身體自愈能力 ,為生長生長新的年輕化細 胞提供針對性營 養。3、靶向抓取老化和萎縮的細 胞進行更新和俢復。無論是你做了哪一款超聲刀理 療 儀 器,最。終的目的就是要面部年輕化,所以針對性的營 養也是決定 效 果的關鍵點之一。

★★★  全。世。界範疇內的治。 療 人數提升一百萬,顧客滿意度達到95%,直至今日仍被業界視作緊緻肌膚類非手。 術  醫  療 美容的“黃金營 養”。正。版超聲刀加專 業的口 服俢復營 養,安全係數是可以得到充分保障的,如果你看到了眾多抹黑超 聲刀的文章,可能作者遇到了偽超聲刀。



▶ ▶ ▶美容超聲刀到底維持多久?▶ ▶ ▶

超 聲刀美容只是一個細 胞新 生過程的開始, 效 果好不好由三個階段決定:

1、細 胞熱損 傷 的質量, 術  過程中是否細 胞均勻損 傷 、是否深 度一致、是否強度一致。

2、會集自身能 量 俢 復, 術  後一個月,自身俢 復營 養是否充沛、ACMETE A決定細 胞 俢 復結果。

3、生成新細 胞。 術  後2-6個月,新細 胞不一定是年青的細 胞。26歲後,人體細 胞進入自然老化,如果不人為干預,攝入細 胞生成太營 養,每一次更新的細 胞,都會比上批細 胞老化。


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★★★  認真對待這三個階段,新細 胞順利生成後,可達到美容、延緩 衰老的目的。

術   後的3個月以內新 生細 胞的質量和數量決定超 聲刀的 效 果。超 聲刀 術   後6個月內持續共給的營 養均衡,決定超聲刀未來幾年的 效 果延續。 術  前後,整體補充配套專  用營 養,提升自身的俢復,完成年青態的新細 胞最佳化。Treat these three stages seriously, after the smooth generation of new cells, can achieve the purpose of beauty, delay aging。

The quality and quantity of new cells within 3 months after surgery determine the effect of the ultrasound knife。 The continuous balanced nutrition within 6 months after ultrasound knife surgery determines the continuation of the effect of ultrasound knife in the next few years。 Before and after surgery, the overall supplement of special nutrients to improve their hacks and complete the new cell optimization。


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★★★  在guo外配合超 聲刀專  用營 養ACMETE A,內外結合面部提升 效 果長達5……10年。

★★★  30歲以下,面板條件好的,可以不用補充配套營 養。年齡大點的,還是需要正確面對基 因已經開始老化的現實,身體的營 養就像大樹的根,沒有根基,再俢剪枝葉,也不能換來枝繁葉茂。做超聲刀美容是一個以內養外的雙向結合的過程。超 聲刀美容 術  。後的幾個月,生成和俢 複決定 效 果,這也是各大醫  美平臺醫 生為什麼反覆強調 術  全程需要使用配套ACMETE A的主要原因。Under 30 years old, the skin condition is good, can need not supplement supporting nutrition。 Older people still need to face the reality that genes are already aging correctly。 The body is nourished like the roots of a big tree。 Do ultrasonic knife beauty is a two-way combination of inside and outside。 Ultrasonic knife cosmetology。 In the following months, the generation and hacks determine the effect, which is the main reason why doctors on various medical beauty platforms have repeatedly stressed the need to use matching ACMETE A for the whole process。


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★★★  可以說,超聲刀美容的 效 果是不錯的。做一次超聲刀美容,可以看起來小5~10歲,同時,在做超聲刀美容過後的3…5年內,年齡就好像被冷動住了一樣,一直保持在做完超 聲刀後的年紀。在今後的十年、二十年、三十年……將比實際年齡年輕10歲左右甚至更多。Can say, the effect of ultrasound knife beauty is good。 Do an ultrasound knife beauty, you can look younger than 5~10 years old, at the same time, after 3。。。 5 years after doing the ultrasound knife beauty, the age is like a cold move, always keep in the age after finishing the ultrasonic knife。 In the next ten, twenty, thirty years。。。 will be about ten years or more younger than your actual age。

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★★★  小編寄語:一些愛美者 術  後帶著期盼的心情,每天照鏡子希望看到明顯的區別。因為其會隨著時間的變化,慢慢改變面板的膚質和麵部輪廓,每天觀察反而不利於看到明顯的變化。就好比天天見面的人,你胖了或者瘦了基本看不出,和一些久未見面的人相見,對方就很容易看出你的明顯的變化,觀察超聲刀 效 果也是這個道理,不要過分的去關注 效 果,注意力放在其他地方,一個月後會給你一個超大的驚喜。Xiaobian message: some love beauty after the operation with the expected mood, look in the mirror every day hope to see the obvious difference。 Because it will slowly change the skin quality and the contour of the face over time, daily observation is not conducive to seeing obvious changes。 Like the people who meet every day, you fat or thin basic can not see, and some people did not meet for a long time, the other side is easy to see your obvious change, observe the ultrasonic knife effect is this truth, don‘t go too much attention to the effect, attention in other places, a month will give you a large surprise。★★★  (

