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2022-04-09由 美槑厙 發表于 歷史


When I was 12 or so, my parents actually gave me an autobiography of Tesla, actually refers to Nicola Tesla。 I thought I wanted to be an inventor when I grew up。 And I read this book this was the greatest inventor you can imagine him。 He was kind of evil mad scientist, he made lightning bolts and he made the things that we use for electric power now, we still use Tesla designs basically to generate and distribute our electric power。 You know once I finished reading the story of his life i basically cried at the end, because I realized like we could be this world‘s greatest inventor。 And you could basically be a failure right, you know you can have trouble funding your inventions, and is still not known exactly what he had in mind。 And it might be if he was better able to fund his research we would actually have that today。 That’s not unlikely probably。#拉里佩奇卸任谷歌母公司CEO##特斯拉#

