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《書蟲》雙語閱讀2級上 神秘女人-阿加莎.克里斯蒂01

2021-08-03由 石葵讀書 發表于 歷史


阿加莎·克里斯蒂寫的神秘謀殺案世界聞名。她一共寫過70多本書,銷售量達千萬冊。她的小說還被拍成了多部電視劇和電影。她筆下的偵探,赫爾克里·波洛和馬普爾小姐,也都大名鼎鼎——一個是身材矮胖,留著黑色鬍子的比利時人,_個是身材矮小卻非常可愛的老太太,她會看見、聽到並且記住一切。 這本書寫的就是阿加莎·克里斯蒂的生活。她是怎樣的一個人?我們對她的瞭解有多深?她富有,赫赫有名,有過兩次婚姻。而在她的生活中也有一個未解之謎……


1 ‘Why don’t you write a story?‘為什麼不寫個故事呢

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was


.It was a winter morning in 1908,and she was in bed because she was ill.


’I‘m feeling much better today,’ she said to her mother,Clara.‘I think I’ll get up.‘


’You‘re still ill,’ said Clara.‘The doctor told you to stay in bed and keep warm.And that’s what you‘re going to do!’


Agatha was eighteen years old at this time,but in those days daughters had to do what their mothers told them.


‘But I’m bored!‘


’Well,do something,then,‘ said her mother.’Read a book.Or write a story.Yes,why don‘t you write a story?’


‘Write a story?’ said Agatha,surprised.


‘Yes,’ her mother said.‘Like Madge.’


Madge was Agatha‘s sister.She was eleven years older than Agatha,and sometimes wrote short stories for


like Vanity Fair.


’I don‘t think that I can write stories,’ said Agatha.


‘How do you know?’ said her mother.‘You’ve never tried.‘ And she went to find a pencil and paper.


Soon after,Agatha sat up in bed and began to write a story.It was called House of Beauty,a strange story about dreams.


It wasn’t a very good story.She typed it on Madge‘s old






to a magazine.But they sent it back with a letter:Thank you for sending us your story.We are afraid we cannot publish it……


’You must try again,‘ said her mother.Clara was always sure that her daughters could do anything.


So Agatha went on writing stories,and sending them out to magazines—but they all came back.She was a little



’I‘ll try writing a novel,’ she decided.


An idea came to her.She remembered seeing a beautiful young girl in a hotel in Cairo when she was visiting Egypt with Clara.The girl was always with two men,one on each side of her.One day,Agatha heard someone say,‘That girl will have to decide between them some time.’


It was all that Agatha needed for an idea,and she began writing.It was not a


novel.It was the story of a young girl who lived in Cairo,and it was called Snow Upon the Desert.It was really two long stories put together to make a book.When it was finished,Agatha sent it to three or four publishers,but they all sent it back.


‘Oh dear,’ said Agatha.‘What shall I do now?’


‘Why don’t you show it to Eden Phillpotts?‘ said Clara.


Eden Phillpotts was a writer who lived near the Millers.During his life,he wrote more than a hundred popular novels,and many plays for the theatre.Agatha was a little afraid of sending her novel to this famous man,but she agreed to do it and sent it off.


Mr Phillpotts was a good writer,and also a kind man.He read Agatha’s novel carefully and wrote her a letter.


Some of your writing is very good,so I am sending you a letter to take to my


,Hughes Massie……


Agatha—still only eighteen years old—went to London on the train.It was a long journey—more than 200 miles from her home in Torquay in Devon,and the trains were not so fast in those days.


She was very shy,and Hughes Massie was a big,


man.Agatha gave him the letter from Eden Phillpotts.Massie read it,talked with Agatha for a while,then kept her book to read.


Agatha went home to wait.


Some months later,Massie returned Snow Upon the Desert to her.I do not think that I can find a


for it,he wrote to her.The best thing is to stop thinking about it any more and to write another book.


Agatha was disappointed.She did write another book,but some other important things happened in her life first.



bore vt.make(sb.)feel tired and uninterested by being dull or tedious.(因單調或乏味)使(某人)感到厭煩。

magazine n.paper covered periodical,usu.weekly or monthly,with articles,stories,etc.by various writers.雜誌;期刊。

typewriter n.machine for producing characters similar to those of print by pressing keys which cause raised metal letters,etc.to strike the paper,usu.through inked ribbon.打字機。

send……off send sth.by post; dispatch.寄出或發出某物。

disappointed adj.sad or dissatisfied because sb.has failed,some desired event has not happened,etc.失望的;失意的;受挫的。

detective n.person,esp.a police officer,whose job is to investigate and solve crimes.偵探。

detective story story in which the main interest is a puzzling crime and the process of solving.偵探小說。

publisher n.person or firm that publishes books,newspapers,etc.出版者;出版商;出版社。

agent n.person who acts for,or manages the affairs of,other people in business,politics,etc.(商業、政治等方向的)代理人,經紀人。

frightening adj.causing fear.引起恐懼的;驚恐的;可怕的。
