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2021-06-23由 曉程文案集 發表于 母嬰

市井皆是溫柔 弄堂藏匿浪漫。

The market is all gentle lane hiding romance。


If I declare to the moon, can I see the sunset with you on a summer evening。


當滿樹櫻花全部退為綠葉 浪漫便藏起了花期。

When all the cherry trees back into the green leaves of the romance will hide the flowering period。


The wind said a lot of the summer notes。



Are you free in the summer? I want to see the sea with you。

普吉島的夏天永不停歇 我愛的少年永遠熱戀。

Summer in Phuket never ends。 I love the boy forever。



You and happiness as worthy of my going to。


Make your best appearance with the best person。



Unable to catch the early morning sunshine, the evening dusk is just as good。

我們都在各自奔赴不同的人生 但你依然是你 沒人可以替代的。

We are all moving on to different lives but you are still the one that no one can replace。


我的男孩不善言辭 但我懂得他所有的溫柔。

My boy is not very talkative but I understand all his gentleness。

我的男孩他不是長期飯票 他是我唯一的寶貝 在我這 他永遠可以有臺階下 我會給他所有的溫柔。

My boy he‘s not a long-term meal ticket he’s my only treasure in me he can always have steps down and I‘ll give him all the gentleness。


有時候也沒有很生氣 就是故意耍小脾氣 你的緊張在意會讓我很安心。

Sometimes I’m not angry, I‘m just trying to be a little cranky Your nervousness will make me feel at ease。

你呀 可以做全世界的大人 做我一個人的小朋友 你要是困了就睡 不困我陪你 醒了給我發訊息 我醒了就回 你在我這裡可以做真實的自己 不用擔心什麼 你可以給我耍小孩子脾氣 可以皺眉 但是不可以離開 我會把我一生的耐心都給你 不開心的時候我來哄你就好啦 如果你累了就來抱抱我 就算擁抱不夠溫暖 我也會用我全身的力氣來抱緊你 不會鬆開手 對你我會很溫柔 把好脾氣都給你。

You ah can do the adult of the whole world do I a person’s little friend you if sleepy sleep not sleepy I accompany you wake up to send a message to me I wake up to return you here can do the real yourself do not have to worry about what you can give me play child temper can frown but can not leave I will give you the patience of my life Not happy when I come to coax you good if you are tired to hug me even if the hug is not warm enough I will use my whole body strength to hug you will not let go of your hand to you I will be very gentle to give you good temper。



My boy can not eat strawberry fart, do not have to eat egg tarts skin, I will give him to share a lot of I love to eat a lot of snacks, boys can not be protected, but he can, because he is preferred with the exception is my heart, my boy I to spoil。

如果可以的話 以後我給你買菸 你給我買奶茶 我陪你打遊戲 你陪我看晚霞 你陪我看大海 我陪你走完剩下的路。

If you can, I will buy you cigarettes, you will buy me milk tea, I will play games with you, you will watch the sunset glow, you will watch the sea, and I will walk the rest of the way with you。


如果你感覺很辛苦 那就轉過身來我懷裡躲一躲叭 就算我比你小懷抱也不夠大 不夠溫暖 但我會用全身力氣抱緊你 不會鬆開的 對你很溫柔的 因為我愛你呀。

If you feel tired, turn around and hide in my arms。 Even if I am smaller than you, my arms are not big and warm enough。 But I will hold you with all my strength and I will not let go。

請你一定要對號入座 我說的所有星光月亮 清泉小溪 蘸著糖的奶油和蜂蜜 這世間所有美好的事物 都是為了形容你。

All the stars, all the moon, all the spring, all the brook, all the cream and honey with sugar, all the good things in the world are to describe you。

