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2021-06-19由 曉程文案集 發表于 母嬰

你大好青春 你在怕什麼 好的在後面 沒什麼環境不懷念 大家都鐵了心要過的幸福。

What are you afraid of? Good, there is no environment behind you。 Don‘t miss the happiness that everyone has made up his mind to lead。


暫時理解不了重建家庭和生兒育女的快樂 當下讓我開心的東西是買漂亮裙子和化妝品 獨處還有永遠的熱烈。

What makes me happy right now is buying beautiful dresses and makeup and being alone and being passionate forever。


日子被我過得太無趣了 想吃好多好多冰鎮西瓜和冷飲 想為你喜歡的女孩 醒藉著夏天的風說 我喜歡你。

Life is too boring for me to eat a lot of cold watermelons and cold drinks want to wake up for the girl you like to say I like you through the summer wind。


說來也奇怪 莫名就遇見了 莫名就玩到一起 莫名的還有相同愛好 莫名的就一下過了好幾年。

It is strange to say that inexplicably met inexplicably played together inexplicably also have the same hobby inexplicably once led several years。



Those who whisper to you and notice how you’re feeling are a treasure。


想想以後你去買菜 我蹦蹦跳跳的跟在你身後 問你今天給我做什麼好吃的 這溫馨的畫面想想都幸福。

Think about the future you go to buy food I bounce after you asked you to do for me today what delicious this warm picture think all happiness。


或許所謂的節日 也是為了給那些不善表達感情的人一個宣洩的藉口 提醒我們 還熱愛著生活中的美好。

Maybe the holidays are a cathartic excuse for those who don‘t express their feelings to remind us that we still love the good in life。


正因為你是白紙 所以你可以畫任何地圖 一切都掌握在你自己手上 你很自由 充滿無限可能 這是很棒的事 我衷心祈禱你可以相信自己 無悔地燃燒自己的人生。

And because you’re a blank sheet of paper, you can draw any map you want。 It‘s all in your own hands。 You’re free。


有人三分鐘泡麵 有人三小時煲湯 有人外賣已送達 人和人節奏不同 堅定點 別焦慮 好戲都在煙火裡。

Some people make noodles in three minutes, some people cook soup in three hours, some people have delivered takeout。 The rhythm of people is different。

